Monday, October 1, 2012

Practice Makes Perfect...

A few weeks ago I started a morning routine of reading a daily devotional before really beginning my day. In the past, I have always started my morning in prayer and then jumped right into my work. I realized recently that I wanted to spend a little more time with God and to have something to focus on for the day ahead. This has been one of my better decisions because it forces me to start the day off with a clearer focus and perspective. So often I start the day off with a bad attitude or whining about trivial things…trust me…it’s easy to do when you’re not a morning person.

This morning’s devotional was titled “Keep on Keeping On” which not only cracked me up (I truly can’t picture the author of this book saying that with a straight face) but also included some key concepts that I really need to focus on this month:

#1) It is important to continue doing what you know is right – even if you are the only one who’s doing it.

It’s one of those reminders that challenges you to stop and take inventory of and responsibility for your actions. It is so convenient to justify doing things that may not be right by comparing ourselves to others or following in other people’s footsteps. Sure, follow the leader was fun when we were kids…but nowadays it’s best to make sure you know where you’re going and why you’re going there.

The Challenge?

To walk my own path, to not be influenced by others and to make choices that I know and feel are right.
#2) God is on your side.
I am guilty of this…as I am sure many other are as well… we forget that God is for us. On more than one occasion I have found myself asking God why – Why this? Why now? Why me? It is so easy to slip into this habit of asking why…and sadly this type of prayer tends to take on an almost accusatory tone when we feel things are difficult or wrong.
The Challenge?
To remember that God is always on my side and that choosing to have faith in God is also choosing to have faith in His timing and His plans.
And here’s the rub: It is so easy to read and write about these concepts and revelations…it’s much harder to practice them.
I'm not sure that I believe that practice makes "perfect" but it sure couldn't hurt to try. 

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