Sunday, December 5, 2010

Two Years Later...

Happy Anniversary Husband!
I'm so blessed to have you in my life and I can't wait to see what God has in store for us in the future.

(Anniversary trip to Vegas 2010)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Good is Contagious...

We came home from a wonderful weekend of family and fun to find nothing. What’s wrong with that you ask? Well AJ had ordered me an anniversary gift that he was expecting to see at the door…and yet it was missing.

We searched the front door, side doors, around the house and anywhere else the clever FedEx men like to leave our deliveries.


AJ was upset and pacing around the house when it occurred to me that perhaps the Christmas gifts that I had recently ordered may have shown up as well. I checked the status of these items and sure enough they too were showed as delivered on Friday. :-(

You can imagine my disappointment when I had to tell my already upset husband that three Christmas gifts I had ordered were now missing too.

My first reaction upon these realizations was to cry. I had been so excited to come home and start decorating, wrapping presents and getting into the Christmas spirit. This harsh realization that there are people out there that would just take things from others felt like someone had kicked my puppy (pardon the visual). My holiday spirit turned into holiday disappointment and quickly into holiday anger.

I spent the evening trying to remind myself that they are only things. “Elyse, things are trivial, unimportant and ultimately can always be replaced”. Yet despite my best efforts to avoid it…I went to bed angry and disappointed in people.

With the new day came a new thought: I’m going to make “good” contagious. I will put as much “good” into the world as I can and hope that my good will counteract someone else’s “bad”.

I wrote awhile back about “random acts of kindness” and I had to read that blog again to remind myself that there are people out there who do good things for no reason. With that realization, I also had to come to terms with the fact that for every person that is doing “good” things for no reason…there are just as many people doing “bad” things for no reason. Oh how I loathe reality checks.

So I end with this:

Am I still angry about our packages being stolen? Yes.

Will I let this ruin the holiday season and my attitude towards people? No.

We just spent the weekend giving thanks for all of the blessings in our lives and so I choose to continue on from this negative situation doing the same.

I am thankful that we had the opportunity to spend the weekend with so many people that we love. I am thankful that we made it home safely and that our home was not tampered with while we were gone. And I am thankful that we have to deal with such a small issue, because so many others are dealing with things much bigger, more difficult and more important.

This holiday season: Do good…it’s contagious.


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Rule #32...

I watched a movie called “Zombieland” the other night…it was gory, bloody and full of sarcasm (my native tongue). Okay so it’s not for everyone. But one of my favorite parts of the movie was the ongoing list of survival rules.
My favorite rule for surviving Zombieland?
Rule #32: “Enjoy the little things”

Let’s be honest, that’s a good rule for surviving life in general. And lately life has seemed so busy and stressful that I could use a few good “rules” to keep me in line.

So in the spirit of Surviving Zombieland Rule #32 I have composed a list of some “little things” that make my life enjoyable….

- Making my husband laugh

- Cloudy days

- Snuggling with the dogs

- “I just can’t put it down” books

- How good coffee makes me think of my mom

- A glass of wine at the end of a long day

- Christmas Everything

- Long card games with family

- Dancing around the house

- Finding songs to add to the soundtrack of my life

- Snapping goofy puppy pictures with my phone

- Saturday morning cartoons in bed

- Playing with my fancy camera

- Walking extra slowly down the coffee aisle of the grocery store

- Sleeping-in

- Stumbling upon good quotes

- Inside jokes with my sisters

- Getting mail

- Lazy football Sundays with AJ

- Photography blogs

- Slow Beatles songs and comfy Beatles shirts

- Praying in the shower

- Losing myself in a journal entry for hours

- Working in my sweatpants

It hit me while composing my list that it could truly go on for days…
So here’s your homework: Make a list of the “little things” you enjoy in YOUR life…it’s humbling to see how blessed you really are and we could all use a reminder once in awhile right?

P.S. Below are some of the other “Zombieland Rules” that I think are good “Life Rules”:

Wear Seat Belts
Travel Light
Get a Kick Ass Partner
Shake it Off
Always carry a change of underwear
Opportunity Knocks
It’s a marathon, not a sprint, unless it’s a sprint, then sprint
Avoid Strip Clubs
When in doubt know your way out
A little sun screen never hurt anybody
Double-Knot your Shoes
The Buddy System
Check the back seat


(Two of my favorite "little things" together...Cloudy Day and Fancy Camera)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Every Season...

And even when the trees have just surrendered
To the harvest time
Forfeiting their leaves in late September
And sending us inside
Still I notice You when change begins
And I am braced for colder winds
I will offer thanks for what has been and was to come
You are autumn

~Nichole Nordeman - Every Season ~

Do you feel that?

It's Fall trying to creep in and smother this miserable Summer heat. I think God created Fall and Winter specifically for people who live in Phoenix. I imagine while he was planning he thought to himself "Yep, they'll need a break from this heat to keep their sanity..."

This year more than any other I've craved this change of season. I guess realistically I've just been craving change. I've always been one of those people that rearranges rooms when they are restless and cleans when they're angry...and lately the impulse has been to make things look rentable/buyable. Instead of decorating our house just for us I am in more of a "staging" mode trying to make the house look more appealing to others as well.

Don't get me wrong - I feel incredibly blessed to have this beautiful home to live in. But I do feel a slight tug in a different direction... like we're being called somewhere else.
I'll continue to pray about it because I know God will lead us where we belong next.

And while I wait for an answer I will enjoy watching not only another season change but also watching how our lives will change as well.


Friday, September 10, 2010

True love stories never have endings...

Let me make this observation about weddings: The bride is ALWAYS nervous. This is my favorite part.
Why? Because these nerves will be written on her face all day: during hair, make-up, pictures, etc.
But if you watch closely that expression always changes when she rounds the corner towards her husband. Her expression becomes the perfect combination of calm and excitement.
I've been there...I went from a "Please God don't let me vomit on my pretty dress" expression to "Wow, how did I get so lucky?" as soon as I saw AJ waiting for me at the end of the aisle.

Sarah looked beautiful that day as she walked up to me and asked, "Were you nervous? Because I just asked a friend and she said she wasn't..."
I interrupted her, "YES. Trust me, I was a bucket of nerves and all kinds of nauseous before the wedding".
Looking back...this would have been a great time to impart some sage wisdom on how great marriage has been and how calm she will be soon...but alas...I went with brutal honesty (Work on that Elyse).

Sarah and Russ were married on a beautiful day in Colorado: the weather was perfect, they were surrounded by family and friends and they couldn't have looked happier...see for yourself...


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I'm Looking Through You...

I love photographs. Old, new, professional, them all. I have so much admiration for people who can capture a moment that no one else could. I like that six people could be taking a picture of the same thing and you will almost always come up with six unique perspectives of it.

Being a photographer (weddings, babies, family, etc) has been on my "Wouldn't it be cool if I..." list since High School. So once in awhile I pick up my favorite camera (Mr. Nikon) and try to find my unique perspective of the things that surround me....


Monday, August 16, 2010

Random Acts of Kindness...

"Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get - only what you are expecting to give."
- Katherine Hepburn -

It was beyond midnight and I had trouble falling asleep last night. Since AJ was still awake studying downstairs, I laid down with my thoughts and BlackBerry to reflect on the day...see below:

Do you ever have one of those days when you feel like giving up on people? Simple and quite regular occurrences: You've listened to a mom arguing on the phone while her kids terrorize a store, watched a man breeze through a door only to let it shut on the people with their hands full right behind him or hear a person tell their waitress how awful their experiences have been in the restaurant and how this is just like every other time...just one of those days that really seems more like a compilation of weeks of people neglecting each other.

Its likely that I am one of those people from time to time too. I admit that I am not an angel. Yet lately I have been trying to make a conscious effort to not only observe the people around me but to also recognize how I am acting towards other people as well. Small changes and actions (in theory) should make an impact right?

Today: I went grocery shopping on my own which always turns into a very long exploration since I am so easily distracted. I finally finish shopping to find that two lines are open: The Express Line ( I ever have less than 10 items when food is involved) and a Regular line. So it was off to the regular line for me and my stack of groceries. Unfortunately for the Express line folks...that line was just as long as the regular. I begin the process of unloading the food onto the conveyor belt (realizing that the saying is right: shopping while hungry is a poor idea) when I catch a glimpse of a woman holding just two bags of chips. Not an unusual sight but here's what caught my eye: She was not glaring at me or the woman in front of me who had apparently gone shopping on an empty stomach too - she was simply standing there with a slight smile and pleasant demeanor (This is extremely rare in a grocery store on a Sunday). My admiration for her patience led me to offer her my spot in line so she could be on her way. She seemed genuinely surprised and initially declined but accepted after I insisted that she go ahead. It was simple. I did nothing memorable but the interaction left me feeling a twinge of hope that maybe little things we do (even the smallest) can matter.

The day proceeds as watching, exercising, dog baths, etc and eventually we come to dinner time. Now here is the part where I ask you not to judge me and the part where I know you won't because we've ALL done it...we went out to grab dinner...even after the grocery trip. Its inevitable isn't it? Of course. So we head to what I lovingly call "The Corner of Goodness". The Corner of Goodness needs very little explanation (Chipotle, Starbucks, Jamba Juice, Subway, Panda Express...the list goes on).

When it comes to this particular corner, AJ and I almost always go our separate ways. Elyse to Chipotle and AJ to Panda. Ugh..don't get me started on Panda. I walk in and get in line behind an employee that I've seen there many times before (yes...I go there THAT often) who appeared to be heading home with some food for the night. While she was being helped by the woman behind the counter a young man approaches to assist me. I order a burrito (justified in my mind by the treadmill time I clocked earlier in the day) and proceed to make it deliciously pricey (steak and guacamole...yumm).

Ordering complete and literally drooling over the idea of my 1,300 calorie burrito I stand watching the same young man ring up my food. He completes the register transaction with no money in hand and then looks at me with a sweet smile and says "Alright you're all set".
Huh?! Insert the same face I make when AJ tries to explain accounting lingo to me. An adorable combo: half confusion and half smile (to hopefully at least look cute while looking lost).

My response to him was "Wait what? Are you sure?". To which he gave me another sweet smile and said "Yep, you're all set. Have a great night". He then jotted a quick note that I didn't get a chance to see fully on the receipt for my order and continued on working.
I said thank you and walked back to the car where AJ's stale Chinese was waiting to greet me and climbed in smiling but still a little confused. As I relayed the story to AJ it hit me - an unexpected act of kindness! Did the employee in front of me in line pay? Did the employee behind the counter just decide to do something sweet? Was I the 100th person to order a burrito that day so it was free? Who knows.

Here's what I do know: It made me smile. It surprised me. It restored my faith in other people believing in random acts of kindness. I am confident that what we do small or large, today or tomorrow will impact the people around us. We may not realize it and we may never get to see the results ... but one thoughtful act will likely always leave an impression on someones day.

Chipotle Burrito: 0 dollars...
Realizing kindness still lives in unexpected places: Priceless.


Saturday, July 31, 2010

Out with the old...

Twice a year I walk into my closet, stop and finally take the time to really look around. Call it visual inventory...12 tshirts that would better fit an 8 year old (okay sometimes I shrink things...and allegedly I've gotten bigger), 3 pairs of jeans that I never really liked but kept "just in case", 6 dresses mocking me from their hangers "Size 2 Elyse? Really? You're never going to fit a size 2 again...move along" and many other random items scoffing at me from their cozy little homes.

So I got to work this morning with a plan: Eliminate ANYTHING I don't like, I don't wear, that does not and will never again fit and items that were (quite honestly) never even cute but friends and family were sweet enough not to ridicule me for wearing (can we say lime green jacket?).

AJ went through his jungle closet and donated a bit too but was easily distracted by the golf and the opportunity to cat nap while I was in project mode.

Roughly three hours, two reality checks and five trash bags full of clothes later...the project is done! I'm not going to felt really good to toss those bags into the donation bin and come home to a closet that should not mock me again for at least another 5 months.

Happy Saturday!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Baseball, Fireworks and Fun...

Back to home sweet home after a fantastic weekend away with AJ in San Diego...

Perfect weather every day, a different fireworks show every night, walking distance to Petco  Park, Gas Lamp, Seaport, Horton Plaza and four solid days of getting to enjoy the company of my better half! I really needed that.

I'm posting some of my favorite pictures from the trip though I have realized the downside to it being just the two of us is having to ask a stranger to take a picture (AJ is not a fan of this). :-)

Hope everyone had a great 4th of July!

(The gorgeous view from our room on Day 1)

(Go Padres! They won and we had amazing seats for the game and the fireworks!)

(AJ enjoying our "fishbowl" at Seaport Village)

(Touring the USS Midway...there's really no way to look cool in headphones.)

(My favorite plane on the tour)

(4th of July view from our hotel room - The Fox 5 Concert below)

(The three firework shows we could see!)

(A view from our room of the GasLamp and Petco Park)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Like a good cup of coffee...

Do you ever read something so sincere and sweet that you find yourself desperately wanting to be able to express yourself just as eloquently?

Today I sat reading post after post of a blog that could possibly be some of the best writing I’ve read in awhile. As I read posts from this woman I realized that there is much more to her story. She’s funny, honest and in her best moments describes the simplest of days with such illustrative descriptions that you feel like you were able to share part of that moment too. Her passion and adoration for her husband is enviable and I found myself hoping to read just one post about how he clips his toenails at the dinner table or some other disgusting habit that she can’t stand…but alas no. :-)

I only happened across this blog because an old high school friend had posted a YouTube video about her on Facebook page today. I watched and, as it is with everything I watch or read, I wanted to know as much as I could. I read her blog “ac” after crash as she calls it and “bc” before crash…and I will tell you two things:

1) She is superb…a beautiful wife, mother and fighter...because others would have just quit life and she continues to put herself out there for the world to see and read about.

2) Her honest style of writing is the reading equivalent of coffee. :-) This likely only makes sense to me...who gets so much joy out of the simple smell of coffee… I can only think to liken my favorite writers to something that sweet and simple.

I laid down on the floor with our laptop at 5pm today just glancing over her story to see what it was all about. Two hours later I found myself on the sofa happy to have stumbled across her amazing story of courage and love. Kudos to you Stephanie - you have not only inspired me to have a greater appreciation for the people in my life but also to try my best to write, photograph and capture every wonderful second of it.

Blog posts from Stephanie that I would recommend checking out sometime:



Monday, March 29, 2010

The Annual Girl's Trip

Another lovely girl's trip this year to Carlsbad California!
I had a great time though I quickly realized that I don't have the same fetish for shopping that the women in my family do. :-)

Just a little taste of the family fun in the pictures below...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Welcome to the Family!

His name is Jax and he joined our family in February! What a great way to end the week of Elyse Navidad celebrations! :-)
