Wednesday, April 20, 2011

" have a butt chin."

Thank you Kristin for that little gem  :-)

I had every intention of making this post insightful, clever and very entertaining…but alas…I have lost said inspiration and instead will leave you with this:

Our Annual Girls Trip 2011

Highlights: Munds Park, Just Dance 2, Carlos, Flagstaff, Wine, Terrorizing Sedona, Shopping, Fabulous food and of course good company.

A few pictures of our shenanigans below.

On an unrelated note…I’ve had trouble sleeping lately…I think I’m on the verge of a really great idea…more to come soon.


Friday, April 1, 2011

Alright…only 2 months later

...and as much as I hate to admit it...I fell off the wagon today…and I’m returning to FB.

I really miss getting to see my family’s new pictures and updates on their family shenanigans. :-(

See post for background of why I’m referring to this as “falling off the wagon”.

You win Courtney…I’m coming back.

I wonder if they have FB addict meetings?

