Monday, December 31, 2012

Love it or Live it...

In the age of texting instead of calling I find myself in a constant conversation with my friends and family via text message. I like to tell myself that it’s not… but it is an addiction because I consistently wonder what they are up to and am always trying to find random and funny things to text them during the day.

I noticed recently that I have a habit of typing “live” when I intend to type “love”. I’m not really sure that I can even blame autocorrect for that…I just keep doing it. It occurred to me that the past few times were all situations in which I meant to type out “I love that” and instead I typed “I live that”. 

Well that’s a little deep for a text message…but it got me thinking…

If you truly love something shouldn’t you live it?

For example, those who love fitness and health live a lifestyle that reflects that. Those who start a family, love their children and make their kids their life and so on. And then there are so many of us that talk about a passion and love for various things in life but we don’t really get out there and live them.

I am just as guilty as the next person…perhaps my hands are trying to tell my heart something:

If you love it…live it.

Thoughts for a New Year.


Thursday, December 6, 2012

4 Years Later...

4 Years ago today I woke up in a hotel room…surrounded by my family and an air of excitement and anticipation. Weddings are notoriously nerve wracking and stressful and I would be lying if I told you that I didn’t threaten to throw up a few times that day. But one of the strongest memories that I carry from that day isn’t from the wedding itself or even the reception.

It was the first 5 minutes after I woke up on the morning of our wedding. I had slept such a sound sleep, with no interruptions and no waking up worried or nervous. I didn’t even wake early…my family had to coax me to wake up that morning. I remember lying in bed as the day began feeling so relaxed and disturbingly calm. I suppose some might call it the calm before the storm since the day had yet to really begin. But I know better…I get nervous when I am doing something that scares me, when I worry something may not turn out the way I want, when I’m doing something that I’m not sure that I should or when I’m intimidated. I was not nervous that morning when I woke up because I knew that on that day I was going to do exactly what I was meant to do.

God doesn’t bring people into your life half-hazardly… everyone (good or bad) touches your life for a reason. It would be fairy tale magic to say that I met my husband, immediately knew that he was the one and we rode off into the sunset. It would be honest to say that I met my husband, enjoyed some sarcastic banter and proceeded to spend every year falling more in love with who he is and who I am with him. Friendship can be difficult, dating can be challenging and marriage can be hard…but all of these things, when laced with love, laughter and faith,  are worth it when you’ve found the one you are meant to tie your life to.

It seems that the traditional gifts that are exchanged in honor of a 4 year anniversary are flowers and fruit. This year we both agreed that neither of us really wanted an edible arrangement and we could do something better with the money that would be spent on a random fruit basket. So we did one of my favorite things to do…gave back.

In celebration of our 4 year anniversary, we donated 10 fruit trees through World Vision to provide food and hopefully future income to families in need. The skeptics that I know will say that we have no way of proving that World Vision will really provide fruit trees and that our money may actually be spent elsewhere. But those who are much like I am (the optimists) will believe that this organization will use the funds for good…regardless…and there is no better way to celebrate our love, happiness and blessings than to try and share that with others.

Happy 4th Anniversary Husband.

Thursday, October 25, 2012


29 years ago today my best friend was born.
I thank God for that day and every day that he has planned for his life. I thank his parents for raising a man who is everything a wife could ask for and who is wonderful in a way that could never accurately be described. I couldn’t be more thankful for today…because today will always be the day that my best friend began his journey.
Happy Birthday Husband - there are so many people thankful for today…thankful for you. 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Practice Makes Perfect...

A few weeks ago I started a morning routine of reading a daily devotional before really beginning my day. In the past, I have always started my morning in prayer and then jumped right into my work. I realized recently that I wanted to spend a little more time with God and to have something to focus on for the day ahead. This has been one of my better decisions because it forces me to start the day off with a clearer focus and perspective. So often I start the day off with a bad attitude or whining about trivial things…trust me…it’s easy to do when you’re not a morning person.

This morning’s devotional was titled “Keep on Keeping On” which not only cracked me up (I truly can’t picture the author of this book saying that with a straight face) but also included some key concepts that I really need to focus on this month:

#1) It is important to continue doing what you know is right – even if you are the only one who’s doing it.

It’s one of those reminders that challenges you to stop and take inventory of and responsibility for your actions. It is so convenient to justify doing things that may not be right by comparing ourselves to others or following in other people’s footsteps. Sure, follow the leader was fun when we were kids…but nowadays it’s best to make sure you know where you’re going and why you’re going there.

The Challenge?

To walk my own path, to not be influenced by others and to make choices that I know and feel are right.
#2) God is on your side.
I am guilty of this…as I am sure many other are as well… we forget that God is for us. On more than one occasion I have found myself asking God why – Why this? Why now? Why me? It is so easy to slip into this habit of asking why…and sadly this type of prayer tends to take on an almost accusatory tone when we feel things are difficult or wrong.
The Challenge?
To remember that God is always on my side and that choosing to have faith in God is also choosing to have faith in His timing and His plans.
And here’s the rub: It is so easy to read and write about these concepts and revelations…it’s much harder to practice them.
I'm not sure that I believe that practice makes "perfect" but it sure couldn't hurt to try. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Today I stood in the rain. I haven’t done that in so long…just taken a few minutes to forget about everything and to care about nothing. Children do it all of the time. They lose themselves in something joyful and exciting and forget about everything else in that moment. I needed the rain today.

When Jax was a puppy I used to take him into the side yard early every morning. I would go out with him to make sure he actually took care of business instead of just sniffing walls. And in the few minutes I was out in the early morning air I would pick a point in the sky to look at and just say “thank you” out loud. It was my way of saying good morning to God without prayer and without any expectation…just a moment to be thankful for another day.
It’s been a long time since I have done that and now I find that the only time I do it is when I’m out running around and notice that the day or the weather is nice. Today when it started raining I decided it was the perfect time to take my break from work. I walked outside into the shadows and rain and just stood there. Hands out, face to the sky and all smiles with nothing on my mind other than “thank you”.
While I stood there, the clouds briefly parted to let sun shine through and yet the rain continued. One of my favorite quotes that I’ve mentioned in the past includes the statement, “I believe in God even when He is silent”. It’s moments like feeling the sun shine through the rain that feel like a personal conversation between me and God. And as the rain washed away the dirt from the days prior…it washed away the negativity and the grime from my attitude…leaving behind thankfulness and perspective.
Sometimes it’s not that God is silent…it’s that we don’t take the time to listen.
Take the time to stand in the rain this week.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Dear Ethan...

I have been trying to write letters to my husband regularly but I thought a little change of pace would be okay this week.

My best friend is expecting her first baby in August and I ran into (my new favorite) baby shower activity online today – Wishes for Baby.

So little Ethan, today I write to you…

Dear Ethan,
I hope you learn: how to forgive. It’s a lesson that some people will never learn but it is valuable and it will be important to you as you grow up.
I hope you aren’t afraid: to take chances. Sometimes the most intimidating obstacles have the biggest rewards behind them.
I hope you love: without hesitation. Love is magical and you’re already entering the world surrounded by so much of it.
I hope you get: your mom’s ability to quote movies and your dad’s love for golf. Never underestimate the power of a funny quote and a killer golf swing.
I hope you laugh: every day. You’ll probably notice that your “Aunt” Elyse laughs at her own jokes pretty regularly. Make sure you can laugh at yourself – it’s good for you.
I hope you never forget: how loved you are. You are a little bundle of magic that God has blessed your parent’s lives with and they already love you so more than they can express.
I hope you ignore: Negativity. It will never do you any good and it’s easy to let it take over…avoid negative people, comments and attitudes.
I hope you become: everything you dream of being. Do not let anyone talk you out of your hopes and dreams. Let your faith be bigger than your fear.
I hope you respect: everyone. Always use “Please” and “Thank you” and never (ever) let a door shut on a lady.
I hope you grow: up happy and healthy. I hope that every day is filled with smiles, laughter, discovery and love.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A Letter to My Husband - Opposites Attract

The topic this week is the saying, “opposites attract”. 
(I hope that I am not the only one who immediately starts humming the Janet Jackson song)

I have always thought that this was kind of an obvious statement but I suppose because it does hold some truth to it, there’s no harm in using it.

Dear Husband,

From day one you have always been the book smart one. You are the one who understands numbers, business and history (and actually likes these things). Me? I like to think that what I lack in math and history smarts I make up for with a love for literature and all things artistic. You are a worrier by nature and you have figured out how to make a sport of pacing around the house tormenting yourself about what could happen. I tend to be the type who believes that most of the time things could be worse and that we will just have to deal with what life hands us when it happens. You think I’m crazy for sitting down with a book for hours and losing myself in its pages and characters. I think you’re crazy for sitting down with the golf channel for more than 5 minutes. You almost always try to keep your thoughts and emotions to yourself while I prefer to talk about almost everything that comes across my mind.  You have a natural instinct regarding directions and an ability to determine where to go regardless of where we are and I…sadly … would get lost in a paper bag.
I could probably go on for days about the things that make us so different from one another but it doesn’t matter how many things there are or what they are in the long run. We fell in love despite our differences because love finds a common ground and then grows. We have grown up together and have learned to embrace our differences, our commonalities and the changes.
That being said, I have this sneaking suspicion that you are going to come home tonight and excitedly bake stuffed salmon in the house while I gag and make cartoon-like faces (I do not like when the house smells like fish and I think your salmon looks the same going down as it would coming up. Ugh.) Just another example that some days...we are so different. But ya know what?
I’m loving every minute of it.


Friday, June 1, 2012

A Letter to My Husband – On the Morning Routine

I wrote a little while back about a couple that decided to write each other letters (on a particular topic) each Monday. I adore that this couple shares their thoughts with each other and the world and seem to write so eloquently about simple, day-to-day topics.

My goal going forward (please don’t hold me to it) is to write to my husband each week/month taking a cue from the topics that others have written on. He may never read the letters or perhaps someday he may stumble across them and laugh about his crazy wife and her constant need to write about life.

A Letter to My Husband – On the Morning Routine
(The original topic was on the nightly routine but I found myself drawn towards the morning with you)
Dear Husband,
It’s 11am and I’m sitting at my desk with my lunch in hand and my back turned to the work world for a short while. I’m finally starting to feel awake which is sad considering I woke up at 6:40am and it’s nearly noon. I think about the way each morning starts with you and the vast differences there are between us when it comes to how we handle them. Your energy is something akin to a toy car that you pull backwards and then let go – zooming around the room, crashing into things and creating random joy and chaos. I would relate my morning energy to that of a deadly snake. I often slink out of bed slowly and slither around the room and if tested will strike at whoever gets in my way (a lesson you have yet to learn).
I enjoy our morning banter and the fact that you always try to get me to make you breakfast and lunch. I will never understand how you eat pizza or leftover fish for breakfast but I appreciate the fact that you dispose of any leftovers I refuse to eat. I love that you have to have sports talk on to provide the soundtrack to your morning routine and that it’s pointless because you heard it all the night before as  you fell asleep listening to Sports Center. I fear that I know more about sports than I have ever wanted to as a result.
My favorite moment in our morning routine is also my least because kissing you goodbye for the day is both sweet and sad. In an ideal world we would never have this part of the morning routine because we would spend each day on a random and fun adventure together. You leave for work (after I make you check your pockets for a wallet and phone) and I spend the next few minutes with God. In the brief silence following the moment you walk out the door I make sure to pray for you and everyone that I love, for the day ahead.
This is our typical morning routine and it makes me consider how lonely my morning routine once was without you. Funny how something as simple as reflecting on daily habits can make you appreciate what you have. So husband, here’s to all of the mornings we have had together and to all of the mornings I look forward to sharing with you in the future.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

One Foot Forward...

“Ugh Elyse…you’re so boring.”

This is the mental dialogue that bounces around in my head every time I sit down to write something new lately. When I don’t write it builds up and then I have too many thoughts and not enough words to express them. So I forced myself to sit still today…to just think…which led to looking around blankly…which eventually led me to my feet.
I know what you’re thinking (if you’re like me in regards to feet), “Eew”.
But before you start visualizing my not so lovely feet and why I would even imagine starting a blog with that mental image…bear with me…
Not long ago I wrote about Perspective and how God continues to help me find it when I seem to be losing sight of what’s important . There was a quote that He placed in front of me that day that spoke to me and has continued to ever since.
I’d like to say that the quote and His guidance that day set me straight, that I haven’t lost focus of the significant blessings in my life and that I’m nothing but smiles every day …but that would be a lie. I still have those random bad days of feeling lost, worried, angry and sometimes jealous…but that’s normal and God knows that I will never be anything close to perfect. I think that God acknowledges our tendency to lose focus and surrounds us with people, moments, words, songs and situations that are meant to guide us back.
So for Elyse Navidad this year, along with celebrating with family and friends, I decided to get a reminder of this life lesson…a new tattoo.
Now you must realize that the Husband is not particularly fond of tattoos…he never has been and likely never will be. However, he tolerates my adoration for them and supports me regardless…and I think it probably helped that I wasn’t going for anything higher than the foot.  
Sadly, one cannot fit a quote that large onto a foot my size (trust me…it was going to be a hot mess) so I had to get creative with what I wanted to include.
The final result:
I believe in love even when I don’t feel it.
I believe in God even when he is silent.
I am so happy with how it turned out and as silly as it may seem, I love that this tattoo is on my foot. Many of you know that I also have a tattoo on my other foot that I got with my sisters a few years back. It’s special to me because they are and now both of my tattoos continue to remind me to always keep life in perspective and that I am truly blessed.  
“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Psalm 119:105
P.S. – That’s leftover ink on my foot…not dirt…I did not Flinstone my way to the tattoo shop that day.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Our Future...

This week I read the blogs of a husband and wife who decided to start writing letters to each other each Monday regarding a topic of their choosing to record how they felt, where they were in their lives etc.

I love that idea and while I would love to do the same, I know that my husband (a man who has no interest in social media or writing) would likely not go for it. Alas, I am inspired by their enthusiasm to create a time capsule of their lives from each perspective and I will give my blog the same subject matter today:
A Letter to My Husband –Dreams for our Future.
They chose to write their letters as if they were thirty-four years into the future…I think I’ll tweak it and I will write to my husband today about our future.
Dear Husband,
Everyone always says that their youth seems like it was just yesterday. I sit here wondering how 27 and all of the other twenties passed by so quickly. I imagine that even in the future I will continue to laugh at how we thought that approaching the age of 30 was the end of the world.
As I think back to who we were when we first met, I am astounded by how far we’ve both come and all of the growing up that we’ve done together. Sometimes I hassle you too much about your fear of change and your “decide tomorrow” attitude but quite honestly it’s what I fell in love with. You’ve got a quiet confidence that I’ve always seen but I know it may take awhile for you to recognize it in yourself.
This letter is supposed to tell you about my secret dreams for our future…the trouble is that I have not really kept my dreams a secret from you.
Regardless… here it is…
You will work at a job that doesn’t feel like work. The saying, “Find a job that you love and you’ll never work another day in your life” will apply to you and you’ll dread retirement more than getting up for work.
We will have children who fill our home with laughter and chaos. Your fear of holding babies will seem hilarious because you will be an amazing father and holding babies will just become second nature.
I will write a book. It won’t be a best seller and it won’t be published but I will have written it and it will mean something to everyone who loves me because I will have left a bit of myself behind.
You will golf every weekend. You may think that this one is silly but I see the joy that it brings you and I know that you need it…you always will.
We will find a home that feels like a home. A place that we feel safe in, that we enjoy changing and that we look forward to coming home to each day. I can’t tell you where it is or what it will look like but I know that we’ll know when we’ve gotten there.
You will stress less and relax more. You will find that worrying actually changes nothing and that you should just recognize your blessings and enjoy them instead.
We will still be in love. We will always give each other a hard time but we won’t lose the love. Some people lose it, forget it, neglect it or abuse it…but we won’t.
I suppose this may seem like a short list but it’s not. The details that make up these dreams are intricate and I have no doubt that getting to them will be an often difficult journey. But I have no fear in this revelation because God blessed me with you. You are wonderful and you get better every day.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Life Lesson #679…

They don’t have “Fast Passes” to avoid people and long waits anywhere but Disney Parks.

The Dolin/Bullock/Baker clan tried out a new holiday tradition this year…skipping presents and taking a trip as a family instead.
For those who know all of us fairly well you know the following:
-          Shopping will happen (more than once) and various snack carts will be ravaged.

-          One or more of us will be in a foul mood at some point (often simultaneously).

-          There will be no shortage of laughing or sarcasm.
So we headed to California and spent a few days bouncing between Disneyland and California Adventure. It was a fun trip full of good food, fun rides, interesting people watching opportunities and lots of family time.
I am a big fan of the new Christmas tradition…but next year I’m voting that we steer clear of theme parks!
See just a few photos of our family shenanigans below...

