16 Random Thoughts for Makayla on her 16th
Dear Makayla,
Driving is the best perk of turning 16…no argument there…but
it’s also a massive responsibility.
Sleep-in as much as you can…while you can.
Do not follow the example of so many others on the road
these days… do not text while driving. Not only is it dangerous but it’s
terribly obnoxious. These people are my least favorite people on the
road… and I don’t want to lump you into that category.
book photos will only come back to haunt you if you become famous…otherwise don’t
worry about it.
If you ever get lost driving around town and you’re feeling
down and embarrassed about it – just remember that at 16 I got lost trying to
drive home from your house, couldn’t find it, cried, called home in hysterics and
once my parents came to escort me home…I realized that I was only one street away
from where I was trying to go. Feel better? You’re welcome.Keep a journal. You’ll be happy you did and you’ll be surprised how much you forget without one.
Learn how to drive stick shift from someone who’s patient…and
never let that skill get rusty. Trust me…you’ll need it again someday.
Avoid drama. Friends in High School are great…you may even
keep some of them for life…but most of them you will only stay in touch with through
social media…and others you will forget their names entirely. So try to keep
that perspective on days when it seems like all of your friends are dragging
you through unnecessary drama.
Put something tacky in your car when you get it. It’s a rite
of passage I think: fuzzy dice, hula girls, scented pine trees, furry steering
wheel covers, etc.
Participate in all kinds of random/fun activities at school.
I was often too intimidated to join groups or try out for things because I was
afraid of rejection or failure. Worry less and try more.
Be proud that you are earning money for and paying for your
vehicle. Yes, some kids get cars with bows that they can show off. But you get
more than that because you will have earned your car and it will make you
appreciate it so much more. That’s something to be proud of.
Hug your parents and brother regularly and don’t ever stop
saying please and thank you…regardless of age.
Expect to start running errands for Mom and Dad as soon as
you get your license. It’s a given.
Practice regular random acts of kindness. “And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make" - The Beatles -
Celebrate your accomplishments. I like to go with a 30
second dance party...it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. Just make sure to
acknowledge and celebrate victories.
16 is one of the especially fun years – enjoy it, don’t
rush through it and don’t act any older than 16…it will go by fast enough on its