Monday, December 31, 2012

Love it or Live it...

In the age of texting instead of calling I find myself in a constant conversation with my friends and family via text message. I like to tell myself that it’s not… but it is an addiction because I consistently wonder what they are up to and am always trying to find random and funny things to text them during the day.

I noticed recently that I have a habit of typing “live” when I intend to type “love”. I’m not really sure that I can even blame autocorrect for that…I just keep doing it. It occurred to me that the past few times were all situations in which I meant to type out “I love that” and instead I typed “I live that”. 

Well that’s a little deep for a text message…but it got me thinking…

If you truly love something shouldn’t you live it?

For example, those who love fitness and health live a lifestyle that reflects that. Those who start a family, love their children and make their kids their life and so on. And then there are so many of us that talk about a passion and love for various things in life but we don’t really get out there and live them.

I am just as guilty as the next person…perhaps my hands are trying to tell my heart something:

If you love it…live it.

Thoughts for a New Year.


Thursday, December 6, 2012

4 Years Later...

4 Years ago today I woke up in a hotel room…surrounded by my family and an air of excitement and anticipation. Weddings are notoriously nerve wracking and stressful and I would be lying if I told you that I didn’t threaten to throw up a few times that day. But one of the strongest memories that I carry from that day isn’t from the wedding itself or even the reception.

It was the first 5 minutes after I woke up on the morning of our wedding. I had slept such a sound sleep, with no interruptions and no waking up worried or nervous. I didn’t even wake early…my family had to coax me to wake up that morning. I remember lying in bed as the day began feeling so relaxed and disturbingly calm. I suppose some might call it the calm before the storm since the day had yet to really begin. But I know better…I get nervous when I am doing something that scares me, when I worry something may not turn out the way I want, when I’m doing something that I’m not sure that I should or when I’m intimidated. I was not nervous that morning when I woke up because I knew that on that day I was going to do exactly what I was meant to do.

God doesn’t bring people into your life half-hazardly… everyone (good or bad) touches your life for a reason. It would be fairy tale magic to say that I met my husband, immediately knew that he was the one and we rode off into the sunset. It would be honest to say that I met my husband, enjoyed some sarcastic banter and proceeded to spend every year falling more in love with who he is and who I am with him. Friendship can be difficult, dating can be challenging and marriage can be hard…but all of these things, when laced with love, laughter and faith,  are worth it when you’ve found the one you are meant to tie your life to.

It seems that the traditional gifts that are exchanged in honor of a 4 year anniversary are flowers and fruit. This year we both agreed that neither of us really wanted an edible arrangement and we could do something better with the money that would be spent on a random fruit basket. So we did one of my favorite things to do…gave back.

In celebration of our 4 year anniversary, we donated 10 fruit trees through World Vision to provide food and hopefully future income to families in need. The skeptics that I know will say that we have no way of proving that World Vision will really provide fruit trees and that our money may actually be spent elsewhere. But those who are much like I am (the optimists) will believe that this organization will use the funds for good…regardless…and there is no better way to celebrate our love, happiness and blessings than to try and share that with others.

Happy 4th Anniversary Husband.
