Not the “I can’t wear 6 inch heels, climb stairs or ride an escalator” type of scared…just the “don’t make me climb that ladder and don’t even think about asking me to climb on top of a roof” type.
I think there are more of us out there than we’d care to admit.
Now let me digress into a different subject that I promise will relate to the overall story: I am an Arizona native. I am proud to have always lived in the state of excessive heat, cactus, fake tans/blondes and fantastic Mexican food.
BUT…I always had one embarrassing Native flaw…I had never been to the Grand Canyon.
To remedy this blemish on my Native status, I tagged along with my family to one of the 7 Natural Wonders of the World and found that while beautiful…this place is not height-a-phobic friendly (I believe acrophobia is the correct term but it sounds awkward…so I’m not using it).
God bless my family for putting up with me because I spent 50% of the day admiring the views and the other 50% worrying that one of my family members would trip over a rock and go plummeting into the giant death trap we had come to visit.
The weather was perfect and I had a great time (pictures below) but I realize now that I was just a tad ridiculous when it came to my fear of falling.
So now that I’m safely in my home far far away from jagged rocks and cliffs that lead to a surely dismal end…I can review the both silly and deep life lessons learned from my visit to the Grand Canyon:
1) Do not feed the squirrels. While these little guys appear to be adorable and fluffy creatures that seem sweet enough to sing and help little birds dress Cinderella each morning…they are in reality…vicious. Feeding these squirrels is like putting water on a gremlin…it causes them to multiply and act crazy. Allegedly I tried to take a picture of our cute fur friends which caused the leader of the pack (picture the Godfather of squirrels) to lunge for my phone thinking it was food…or maybe he hates paparazzi…regardless…don’t feed the squirrels.
2) Do not be scared of breath taking opportunities or moments. Fear of possibility is just a waste of time.
3) All you need for the best souvenir…almost anywhere you visit…is 51 cents. Penny smashing machines are by far the best memorabilia. Geeky smashed penny enthusiasts go to to see locations of these fabulous machines. :-)
4) Do not be blind to God’s blessings and miracles: Something as awe inspiring as the ocean and the Grand Canyon or as simple as a friend/family member who was brought into your life at the moment when you needed them the most. While very different…each of these things are remarkable and we often forget to acknowledge or fully appreciate them.
And last…but certainly not least…
5) Tuck and roll. If you do trip and find yourself falling into the beautiful Grand Canyon…tuck and roll.
Not sure which is more alarming: Adorable/Evil Squirrel or Handlebar Mustache Man with Canada socks...beware of both.