You know what’s kind of silly?
It occurred to me that it’s a little odd that the tradition is to give gifts to the person who was born on the birthday instead of to the parents.
Okay, I know that sounds ridiculous but hear me out on this one.
On the eve on my 27th birthday I think it’s time we consider how backwards this all is.
Let’s break it down and see who really earned these gifts…
For 9 months Mom had to lug me around 24/7 while I napped and ate at my leisure.
Mom: 1 Elyse: 0
I’m told by a reliable source that I had to be “induced” because I was so content with my life of leisure. Seriously...I'm pretty sure I had no intention of budging.
I don’t know if Mom and Dad really get points for that one…maybe more like
Doctor: 1 Elyse: 0
Then for many hours Mom proceeded to go through a painful birthing process that did not involve any “let’s pretend this isn’t actually happening” drugs.
Mom: 2 Elyse: 0
Kudos by the way.
Dad earns 2 points as well - Not only for supporting and taking care of a very hungry wife for 9 months but also for not running away scared when he saw that his new baby resembled E.T. phoning home.
Now don’t get me wrong…I love getting gifts and surprises on my birthday…it is one of my FAVORITE days and clearly I have an enthusiasm for the holiday that I now call “Elyse Navidad”.
But if we were all being honest about it …our parents really are the ones who should get the gifts on our birthdays.
So this year I am making sure to say “Happy Birthday Mom and Dad”.
Tomorrow is the anniversary of the day that you would both think (but not say out loud)
“Hmmm are you sure you gave us the right baby?”