Thursday, October 28, 2010

Rule #32...

I watched a movie called “Zombieland” the other night…it was gory, bloody and full of sarcasm (my native tongue). Okay so it’s not for everyone. But one of my favorite parts of the movie was the ongoing list of survival rules.
My favorite rule for surviving Zombieland?
Rule #32: “Enjoy the little things”

Let’s be honest, that’s a good rule for surviving life in general. And lately life has seemed so busy and stressful that I could use a few good “rules” to keep me in line.

So in the spirit of Surviving Zombieland Rule #32 I have composed a list of some “little things” that make my life enjoyable….

- Making my husband laugh

- Cloudy days

- Snuggling with the dogs

- “I just can’t put it down” books

- How good coffee makes me think of my mom

- A glass of wine at the end of a long day

- Christmas Everything

- Long card games with family

- Dancing around the house

- Finding songs to add to the soundtrack of my life

- Snapping goofy puppy pictures with my phone

- Saturday morning cartoons in bed

- Playing with my fancy camera

- Walking extra slowly down the coffee aisle of the grocery store

- Sleeping-in

- Stumbling upon good quotes

- Inside jokes with my sisters

- Getting mail

- Lazy football Sundays with AJ

- Photography blogs

- Slow Beatles songs and comfy Beatles shirts

- Praying in the shower

- Losing myself in a journal entry for hours

- Working in my sweatpants

It hit me while composing my list that it could truly go on for days…
So here’s your homework: Make a list of the “little things” you enjoy in YOUR life…it’s humbling to see how blessed you really are and we could all use a reminder once in awhile right?

P.S. Below are some of the other “Zombieland Rules” that I think are good “Life Rules”:

Wear Seat Belts
Travel Light
Get a Kick Ass Partner
Shake it Off
Always carry a change of underwear
Opportunity Knocks
It’s a marathon, not a sprint, unless it’s a sprint, then sprint
Avoid Strip Clubs
When in doubt know your way out
A little sun screen never hurt anybody
Double-Knot your Shoes
The Buddy System
Check the back seat


(Two of my favorite "little things" together...Cloudy Day and Fancy Camera)
